Thank you for attending our Open House

Thank you for joining us at our open house on October 25! We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to see our mission in action and engage with our staff, board, and community. 

I am grateful to have joined this dynamic team of individuals at Watercourse Counseling who are so deeply committed to addressing the mental health and social justice needs of our community. 

We know one size does not fit all when it comes to mental healthcare. Since 1999, Watercourse Counseling has been creating community partnerships to provide mental health services when and where they are needed including:

  • School-based services in 17 Minneapolis Schools specifically designed so children and families can access mental health care when and where they need it. 
  • Cultural brokers that promote healing from cultural trauma and stress related to the resettlement experience. 
  • Clinical training initiatives that add cultural breadth to the mental health workforce.
  • Increasing access to an array of community-based services that do not require insurance and/or a mental health diagnosis.

“It’s an honor to help kids gain a deeper connection to themselves, especially those parts of them that are hurt or misunderstood. So much healing can happen in a space where kids feel unconditionally accepted, heard, and respected. ” – Staff Member 

Your support and partnership are critical to our success in this work. We invite you to deepen your partnership with us by making a financial gift to help reach our goal of securing 100 new or renewed donors by December 31. Together, we can generate transformative systems so that everyone has equitable access to mental healthcare that reflects and/or affirms their identity. 

Thank you again for taking the time to visit our space and learn more about Watercourse. We appreciate your investment in equitable access to wellness resources for our communities. 


Ashley L Trepp, LICSW
Executive Director 

P.S. Give to the Max Day is Thursday, November 16! We hope you’ll support Watercourse as well as other organizations working toward a more resilient and thriving community.